Wednesday, March 27, 2013

About This Blog

The Middle Eastern (Arab) culture at this time is very misguided and misinterpreted mainly because the public doesn’t know much about it. With this blog, I hope to change this present issue through posting about basically every aspect of this culture to give the reader a better idea of what the Middle Eastern culture is really about.
As a Middle Eastern woman, I was a little disappointed to find that there weren’t many blogs written by middle easterners about their culture. What I mainly found were blogs giving information about Middle Eastern politics, language, and religion. Although those are very significant sectors of a culture, what I have in mind is a blog written in the point of view of a middle easterner that also discusses daily experiences which allow the audience to see this culture through a middle easterner’s eyes. All that is seen in the news is war, blood, and chaos. We need a new perspective, how do these people celebrate their joys, endure their sadness and interact in a daily basis. No article reading or TV watching will give us the same incite as first-hand experience.
Be it from our extravagant weddings to our delicious homemade cooking to our silly superstitions you will see every angle of the Middle Eastern culture through a 12 post blog. What better way to learn about the Middle Eastern culture than through an Arab. I live and breathe my culture every day and I cherish and find a pride in it. A culture cannot be fully understood from reading a dried text book it is a much richer and more meaningful experience to learn about it from someone who lives it. So sit back relax and enjoy my reading my blog.

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