Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Woman In The Middle East

Middle Eastern women are mistaken to be oppressed in the view of the western world. In defense to the outsider’s views it does seem that way with the way that the women dress, but when you look closely and spend time with Middle Easterners you will realize and see how women are not only respected but also adored by her family. A woman is seen as a jewel in the eyes of the men in the family. In the Middle East 92% of the women there are Muslims. Islam came to the Arab world in the year 610 AD which is more than 1400 years ago. Islam was the first religion in history to give women her rights that was achieved 1300 years before the western world passed any women's rights laws. A Muslim Arab woman’s duties are not just a house wife that cooks and cleans; she is encouraged to be educated and to be in the work force if she wishes. There is no Islamic law that prohibits women from working, but she needs to make sure she has fulfilled and managed her duties as a wife/mother. Also if a woman works, she is not obliged to spend a penny on her family; that is the responsibility of her husband, everything she earns is for her. The women are financially secure from engagement to marriage and also after divorce from her husband. Islam is not only a religion, it is also a way of life that Muslims follow, and because of this I personally believe that the reason why Arab culture and Islamic teachings are mixed together in the Middle Eastern world today.


Islam's Women Jewels of Islam. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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