Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Condolances To The Victims Of The Boston Marathon

This blog post is going to be a little different. Because of the recent incident that took place last week at the Boston marathon, I feel the need as an Arab American Muslim to show my sympathies to the families of those who were lost and injured. No one in this world deserves to go through such hardship and sorrow. Those who carry out terror attacks in the name of Islam are not who they think they are and do not represent the teachings of Islam.

“To kill one innocent man or woman is to kill all of humanity; to save one human is to save all of humanity.” (Quran 5:32)

The verse above is from the Quran, the holy book of Muslims. It shows that the taking of one innocent life is not taken lightly and that every life is sacred. Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance and is the religion of the greatest civilizations where all religions were given freedom to coexist peacefully. Any justifications that these criminal have to cause such terror to innocent lives are invalid. Their corruptive thoughts and actions cause much more harm and corruption and never provide a solution.
There’s a joke that goes around in the Arab community that when the news breaks with incidents similar to this, it is the most time we cross our fingers and pray to god, praying that the suspect isn’t Arab or Muslim. The bombers don’t realize that they don’t only harm their victims but they also harm people of their own race and belief; causing them to undergo stereotypes, discrimination, and racism.
When I heard the news my heart broke for those innocent lives that were taken or changed because of such acts of cruelty. My deep sorrow and condolences go to the victims of the Boston marathon and for all the sufferers of violence around the world.

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